Saturday, May 31, 2008

Glass or bottle?

Sex and the city...every girls dream. The penthouse in New York, the outragous clothes, the shoes to die for! Well it isnt a shocker that we all cant live Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Mirandas lives, but its ok to dream. I went to see this tonight with my bestfriend and let me tell you, ive never been in a place with so much estrogen! One movie theater was so packed with overdressed women and white benzs we had to leave.

But on to the movie. It was epic! i loved every moment of it and i tried not to cry on more than one occasion. its just something about living in NYC with your closest friends, trust me, my group of girlfriends could relate to almost everything that the girls in SATC go/went thru even tho we are we are only about to be out of our teens. Me and my friend had lots of little glances at each other during the movie and laughing because we knew exactly what each other was thinking.

"And we were dressed from head to toe in love... the only label that never goes out of style"

"...i'd use every crayon in my box"

oh man, all in all great movie. This is proof that a date with a friend, music, and cotton candy is all you need, word to CASSIDY.


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