Come dollar menu? This is beyond ridiculousness. Its insane and outrageous.
Where's the beef?
McDonald's Corp. customers may be asking just that as the fast-food giant plans to make changes to its dollar menu. That's because the cost of beef and chicken continues to rise in the United States and Europe.....
The way the dollar menu looks today won't be the way it's going to look next year," McDonald's President and COO Ralph Alvarez told investors, according to the Associated Press. "In this current environment, we've got to make sure we're pricing smart, not just pricing low."
The company, which reported stellar second-quarter earnings, would not say if it would get rid of dollar menu items or raise prices. The Chicago Tribune reported that "one test has been to raise the price of the double cheeseburger, the anchor of the dollar menu and McDonald's best-selling U.S. sandwich."
just look at happy it can make people...
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