Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hip Hop for Obama

lol i dont know if anyone else saw the debates or even cares but I saw it and it was goood. But this election is getting heated and its all rolling over into the hip hop culture. Its nice to see everyone getting involved and actually caring about who is going to run their country even though i think that some people are only voting for Obama because he's black, he has more to offer and i hope people take the time to research that and learn more about him.

Obama has serious swag lol peep the video.

via hiphopisread,

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Today was one of those days where Sky's the limit just had to be put on repeat. Sometimes things just get to you and the only thing you can do is chill out and calm down. Oddly, when things are crazy i cant listen to slow songs and be all depressed and shit like most people. I feel better when JayZ, Nas, Styles or Big is on.

So, are you living, or just existing?
I want to be living.

Only make moves when your hearts in it, and live the phrase sky's the limit...
Skys The Limit (Featuring 112) - The Notorious B.I.G. Read more...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

All good things must come to an end...

So i made an old school mix and i was singing loudly in my car like i always do and decided to put on the radio, after 3 stations with lil wayne on and all these lame ass songs that are over played i had to push the button for my cd player QUICK, i was going to loose my mind.

So i got to thinking, are my days over? Am i going to be stuck in musics past for the rest of my life. I feel alive and happy when i was singing my Biggie sky's the limit, and my Mase and 112. Am i going to be listening to "In my lifetime", "Stillmatic", "Gangster and a Gentalman" for the reest of my life? I thinnk i need to accept new artists but i just cant. The only ones i have would be Lupe Fiasco, Kanye, and Nerd. But who really cares...gimmie some CNN and I'll be straight, i never get tired of my music anyway.

Things will never be the same and like the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. But whos to say this new music isnt good? (cough


Saturday, September 20, 2008


wtf wtf wtf, please stop this madness, honestly i didnt know about these untill i went to they all like like fakes, dare i even say it, worse than fakes. The other bad part of this is that people are actually going to be waking around like they are sooo hot with "jays on they feet". smh i'd like to blame the south for this.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

50 Cent...I love you.

you are just too funny as ive said before. peep 50 making fun of kanye lmao i cant get enough of this stuff...


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kanye, Kanye, Kanye....

Arrested? Whats going on here? Getting the hype for the new album up? I think so. will work.

Love Lockdown?
hmmm interesting, Kanye is trying to do something different as usual and i respect him for that, but "that funny voice shit" is getting annoying, it should be left to TPain and only him lol. Kanye is kinda biting with that one and hes known for being a trend setter. Honestly, I can rock with the song only cuz it has actual meaning. ugh i just listened to the song again, and i really hate him on that. Read more...

Friday, September 5, 2008

In the words of Mr. Bob Marley

In this video which i've seen for the first time today, Bob speaks so much truth. I listen with a close ear and its just things that i believe in, i have yet to meet someone that agrees with my views, honestly i dont thing most people accept these ideas and therefore dismiss them.

Its weird how some musicians that people just cast aside as nothing just speak so much truth and kick knowledge that wasnt learned in books, or spoon fed to them like most of the stupidness we learn. when you step out of the box, out of just school books and think for yourself you can unlock limitless knowledge and learn so much more than you thought you would ever know.

people will prolly call me crazy or accuse me of listeniing to people of no importance but i think people like Bob Marley, Nas, Tupac, even JayZ YES I JUST MENTIONED RAPPERS (and there are more im not even putting the cap on just those few and rap music)they have an understanding of life and much more that the highest educated people will NEVER have. Just listen to some of the music, lol i could get wayyy to far into this.

"emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.." Read more...

Monday, September 1, 2008

50 is a FOOL...

lmao but i still like him. Gunit has been doing over all these songs and making them sound better than the orginals lol aaand they are all quite funny.

You wont believe me. Tpain knock off.

New Music vol. Lupe, Kanye

extremley excited for lupEND. this is from a concert and he performed two tracks in the works for the future album. the second one sounds like piff! lol sounds like the same sample as dear summer, one of my fav beats.

heres a new track from kanye he performed at the human race.


Talk a lot but cant back it up. Newly chosen Vice Presidential pick of John Mccain is causing a lot of controversy. The Internet rumors are flying around that her 5th child may not be hers. In light of the recent rumors, Sarah Palin has admitted that her 17 year old daughter is NOW 5 months pregnant. wow. So to put the rumors of a fake pregnancy to rest, she covers it up with her 17 year old daughters real pregnancy? I swear they couldn't make this stuff up...or maybe they can? This type of stuff just makes all women look bad smh. With women finally getting power and respect, these things just bring all those accomplishment down. Let me end by saying I've always known who i was voting for and it was never hypocrites lol

and to think, against sex education in schools? lol funny huh?
there will be a lot of skeletons let out of the closet before November.


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